Welcome to The Depressive Diva! My name is Lorie Staffan, and I hope you find information and encouragement here as you deal with depression or other mental illnesses, either your own or those of someone you love.

I approach mental illness from two sides: as a long-term depression sufferer and as a nurse with an MS in Psychology and several years of experience working in mental health. I hope to develop The Depressive Diva website into your go-to guide for all things relating to mental illnesses.

Mental illness is more common than you may think. There are a lot of us out there trying to navigate life with these issues. Please share your comments, your questions, and what you’d like to see here in The Depressive Diva. To share your thoughts, please reply to individual posts. I look forward to your comments!

Please remember that The Depressive Diva blog is for educational purposes, and should not be considered a substitute for advice or treatment from a physician or mental health professional.

Thanks for reading and for sharing!

Lorie, aka The Depressive Diva

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